Adaptation actions can be implemented reactively, after changes in climate occur, or proactively, to prepare for a changing climate. Proactively preparing can reduce the harm from certain climate change impacts, such as increasingly intense extreme events, shifting zones for agricultural crops, and rising sea levels, while also facilitating a more rapid and efficient response to changes as they happen.
FEDERAL: A November 2013 Executive Order calls for, among other things, modernizing federal programs to support climate resilient investments, managing lands and waters for climate preparedness and resilience, creating a Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, and the creation of a State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. Federal agencies are all required to plan for adaptation. Actions include coordinated efforts at the White House, regional and cross-sector efforts, agency-specific adaptation plans, and support for local-level adaptation planning and action.
STATE: States have become important actors in national climate change related efforts. State governments can create policies and programs that encourage or discourage adaptation at other governance scales (such as counties or regions), through regulation and by serving as laboratories for innovation., Although many of these actions are not specifically designed to address climate change, they often include climate adaptation components. Many state level climate change-specific adaptation actions focus on planning. As of winter 2012, at least 15 states had completed climate adaptation plans; four states are in the process of writing their plans; and seven states have made recommendations to create state-wide adaptation plans.
TRIBES: Tribal governments have been particularly active in assessing and preparing for the impacts of climate change. Some are using traditional knowledge gleaned from elders, stories, and songs and combining this knowledge with downscaled climate data to inform decision-making. Others have integrated climate change into decision-making in major sectors, such as education, fisheries, social services, and human health.
LOCAL: Most adaptation efforts to date have occurred at local and regional levels. A survey of 298 U.S. local governments shows 59% engaged in some form of adaptation planning. Mechanisms used by local governments to prepare for climate change include: land-use planning; provisions to protect infrastructure and ecosystems; regulations related to the design and construction of buildings, road, and bridges; and preparation for emergency response and recovery.,,,,, Local adaptation planning and actions are unfolding in municipalities of different sizes. Regional agencies and regional aggregations of governments too are taking actions.,
Adaptation Example: The Southeast Florida Regional Compact
Miami-Dade County staff leading workshop on incorporating climate change considerations in local planning.
Courtesy Armando Rodriguez, Miami-Dade County
The Southeast Florida Regional Compact is a joint commitment among Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and Monroe Counties to partner in reducing heat-trapping gas emissions and adapting to climate impacts, including in transportation, water resources, natural resources, agriculture, and disaster risk reduction. Through the collaboration of county, state, and federal agencies, a comprehensive action plan was developed that includes hundreds of actions. Notable policies include regional collaboration to revise building codes and land development regulations to discourage new development or post-disaster redevelopment in vulnerable areas
BUSINESS: Many companies are concerned about how climate change will affect feedstock, water quality, infrastructure, core operations, supply chains, and customers’ ability to use products and services. Some companies are taking action to avoid risk and explore potential opportunities, such as: developing or expanding into new products, services, and operational areas; extending growing seasons and hours of operation; and responding to increased demand for existing products and services.,,,,
NGOs: Non-governmental organizations have played significant roles in the national effort to prepare for climate change by providing assistance to stakeholders that includes planning guidance, implementation tools, explanations of climate information, best practices, and help with bridging the science-policy divide.
See regional sections of this Highlights report for additional examples of adaptation efforts. Selected federal, state, tribal, and local actions appear in the Adaptation chapter of the full National Climate Assessment.
Adaptation to climate change is in a nascent stage. The federal government is beginning to develop institutions and practices necessary to cope with climate change. While the federal government will remain the funder of emergency responses following extreme events for which communities were not adequately prepared, an emerging federal role is to enable and facilitate early adaptation within states, regions, local communities, and the public and private sectors. The approaches include working to limit current institutional constraints to effective adaptation, funding pilot projects, providing useful and usable adaptation information – including disseminating best practices, and helping develop tools and techniques to evaluate successful adaptation.
Despite emerging efforts, the pace and extent of adaptation activities are not proportional to the risks to people, property, infrastructure, and ecosystems from climate change; important opportunities available during the normal course of planning and management of resources are also being overlooked. A number of state and local governments are engaging in adaptation planning, but most have not taken action to implement the plans. Some companies in the private sector and numerous non-governmental organizations have also taken early action, particularly in capitalizing on the opportunities associated with facilitating adaptive actions. Actions and collaborations have occurred across all scales. At the same time, barriers to effective implementation continue to exist.